Welcome to the Nordic research conference in Green Care and Nature-based interventions.
The program and the registration for the first Nordic Green Conference 31.10-1.11.207 in Kristiansand, Norway is now open!
Deadline for registration 30.9.2018.
There is an increasing interest in blue spaces (lakes, sea, rivers) as source for well-being, learning and care amongst practitioners, entrepreneurs, policy-makers and researchers. This issue will also be discussed by Pia Smeds with the title “Blue care” during the Nordic Conference on Green Care and nature-based interventions in Kristiansand 31.10-1.11.2017. Given that this topic is now strongly emerging in different ways and channels, we now have an opportunity to organize a small workshop and start forming a Nordic frame work for this topic.
During the workshop we will explore the state of the art of blue well-being and care activities and its relations to other nature-based activities, and identify ongoing or possible collaboration across Nordic and Baltic countries. This workshop is related to a Nordic Project " Nordic Road Map for Blue Bioeconomy" (for further information please see: http://bluenordic.fi).
The workshop will be held on Thursday 1st of November at 14-17, Hotel Thun. It is open and free of charge for everyone to participate. In order to ensure you will get a cup of coffee/tea and a sandwich, drop an email to pia.smeds@luke.fi or katriina.soini@luke.fi by 23rd of October.
If you are interested in this theme, but unable to participate in the workshop, please contact us for further possible collaboration and networking.
Kind regards, Pia Smeds and Katriina Soini