
Gråsten, Tanja ja Hokkanen, Iina. Green Care - Nature Assisting Integration of Aging Somali Women

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Aineiston nimi: Gråsten, Tanja ja Hokkanen, Iina. Green Care - Nature Assisting Integration of Aging Somali Women

This functional thesis was done in co-operation with Blue Ribbon organization’s Green Gate project and Kantti association’s Jade project. Through the multi-professional cooperation with our partner organizations a new functional and participatory working method was created. We had two purposes. The first one was to report how different Green Care activities could assist aging Somali women’s integration into the Finnish society. The second one was to provide new comprehensive knowledge on how to facilitate Green Care activities for groups with immigrant background.


Gråsten, T. & Hokkanen, I.  2014. Green Care - Nature Assisting Integration of Aging Somali Women. Programme in Social Services, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Degree. 



2014 vuosi

Muu asiantuntemusala,

Luontolähtöisyyden asiantuntemusala

Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

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